Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eggs in a Mug

Wow, I'm pretty much horrible at blogging. I knew February was going to be a tough month, but it seems to have carried on into March. Luckily, I've noticed the toll my social calendar has been having on me and I'm cutting back. My goal is that I'll remember to do things like blog and sleep.

Anyways, on my way to working towards a better me, I have discovered what Hungry Girl calls Egg Muggs. I'm generally not too keen on her recipes; I think she can get too wrapped up in calorie-counting to realize the stuff she includes isn't always the healthiest. I do think she's great when it comes to finding new and interesting products though.

She suggests using just egg white substitute, but I'm all about the whole egg. Take out the yolk, and you miss out on a ton of extra minerals and vitamins and so forth. For example, it's packed with choline, which boosts the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps you feel more alert, clear-headed and creative. Pretty sure I need to feel more alert.

And seriously? It's really not that fattening the grand scheme of things.

SO this is how mine works.

1) Find a clean mug and spray it down with cooking nonstick spray. (Have I ever told you about my strong dislike of washing dishes and my intense need for drinking tea?)

2) Crack two eggs into the mug and add a handful of whatever cheese is in my fridge. Scramble them together with a fork. (Note to self: Get more cheese.)

3) Microwave for 1 minute, take it out and mix up some more. Depending on your microwave, put it in again for 30 seconds to one minute.

4) Top with ketchup, and enjoy!

This is what I've been eating for dinner for the past couple of days. (And sorry for the crappy quality of the photos. Apparently my camera phone sucks a ton.)

Friday, March 2, 2012

5K training: Week 1

Well, I’ve officially completed Week 1 of my training, and I have 8 more to go. Perhaps deciding to go to the gym 4 days a week after not going at all for months and months was not the best decision I’ve ever made, but I’m still glad I did it.

I think the hardest and most frustrating thing about facing the gym and the treadmill again is knowing how much I was once capable of and how little I’m capable of now. But the good news is that in just one week I’m already seeing results. I’ve unofficially lost 2 lbs. (I say unofficially because I’ve only weighed myself twice) and my legs look a lot smoother (that’s right, I had/have cellulite, and yes, it’s gross).
But anyways, for the sake of being accountable and to help me burn some rubber, here is my recap:

Sunday: I ran/walked 2.55 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. After a two-day break from the gym, I felt really positive about it.

Monday: I ran/walked 1.67 miles in about 20 minutes on the treadmill. Workout cut short because my stomach hurt. Not feeling so positive anymore.

Wednesday: Feeling uber exhausted, so I went with a 30-min. workout on the elliptical. I probably could have pushed myself harder, buuuut sometimes you need a break.

Thursday: Still feeling pretty exhausted, but knew I had to hit the treadmill again. In about 25 minutes (including a 5-min. warm-up), I ran/walked 1.88 miles. I think this was also due to the fact that I could sync my breathing with my pace and ended up feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Going to rework my workout playlist to help pace and breathe better.

I’ll return to the gym on Sunday to start Week 2. But in the meantime, for any treadmill runners, have any tips on breathing while running?
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